Bredon School ranked number 1 in England
According to Government figures published on 24 January, Bredon School is ranked number one out of 4,434 schools and colleges in England for ‘value added’ for students aged 16 to 18 years.
Bredon’s top ranking is based on Department of Education figures which show how much progress A level students at Bredon made between the end of key stage 4 and the end of their A level studies, compared to similar students across England.
Mr Koen Claeys, Headteacher at Bredon School comments: “We are obviously delighted to have achieved the top ‘value added’ score for schools and colleges across the country. This is a remarkable achievement and recognises the high quality of our specialist teaching and learning approach.”
The ranking was based on A level results achieved in the 2017-18 academic year by Bredon School pupils. 100% of pupils achieved grades A*-C at A level, with 63% of students gaining an A*-B grade, an increase of nearly 20% from the previous year.
Mr Claeys continued, “As a small, nurturing school with a specialism in educating students with dyslexia, dyspraxia and other specific learning needs, our top ranking is an excellent endorsement for the distinct and tailored education we offer our students. We excel at providing an individualised approach to learning, equipping every student in the school with their own laptop to use in class and harnessing the latest technologies to support learning.”
Further details on the 2018 Secondary School and College Performance Tables can be accessed at: