"Everyone's Invited"
The “Everyone’s Invited” movement has raised further awareness of incidents of sexual abuse and harassment involving students in schools and universities nationwide. It has brought to the fore testimonies from students and national statistics in relation to sexual abuse and harassment involving students. Published testimonies name educational establishments across the country and individuals from both historic and current student cohorts.
All schools within the Cavendish Education group play a crucial role in teaching students about sex and relationships, equality and diversity and modern citizenship. This is enacted through each school’s culture, curriculum and policies including [Behaviour, Safeguarding, Anti-bullying, Relationships and Sex Education and Whistle Blowing].
We recognise that, along with others, we have a vital responsibility in tackling sexual violence and harassment and cultivating in our students good values and respect for one another. Like so much of education, our work must complement that undertaken by parents and carers, and agencies in wider society, so that students receive a consistent message and people can go about their lives free from harassment and abuse.
The schools in Cavendish Education continue to engage with their students, listen to their concerns, signpost necessary support provision within and beyond the schools and, in liaison with other agencies where appropriate, take any necessary safeguarding action.
We ask that anyone who has experienced such behaviour, or who is suffering because of it, to report it to an appropriate adult in the school so they can be supported, and steps can be taken to address the issue.