A statement of commitment
In these difficult and turbulent times and when faced with a number of demanding issues coming together simultaneously, we take this opportunity to affirm our commitment to respect one another and to actively work against discriminatory behaviour.
As a non-denominational and apolitical group of schools, whose mission is to support and educate neurodiverse children and young people, the Cavendish Education community is by nature inclusive and welcoming.
Embedded in our ethos, and through the delivery of the schools’ comprehensive PSHE programme and the delivery of the Fundamental British Values lessons, we give our students the knowledge and understanding of:
the rule of law
individual liberty
mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs
and we help them to respect one another and to identify and combat discrimination in its many forms. There is no place for racism or discriminatory behaviour in our schools, communities or nation.
Our schools each have their own Codes of Conduct which apply to all students and staff, and a set of clear procedures for dealing with any problems that may arise. As employers, we do not tolerate discrimination in any form.
5 June 2020