Pupil-run cafe is a great success!
Forming part of the integrated OT service at the autism specialist school in Finchley, the pupils research the menus, buy the ingredients, make the food, serve their customers and handle the money; developing key life and social skills along the way.
Lead Occupational Therapist Mayuri Tokekar said, “Our pupils have demonstrated great enthusiasm and motivation for this project. The café has been great fun but it has also proven to increase the positive engagement of our pupils which has translated into improvements and growth in all areas of school life, as well as mental and emotional wellbeing.
“The highlight of our year was being invited to formally cater for the 100 guests who attended the School’s recent talent showcase and tea party. It was a great success.”
As well as mastering many savouries dishes including vegetable cutlets, sushi, lentil soup and sausage rolls, the pupils have also created a range of baked items, cakes and strawberry and mango jams!